cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by Cristiano de Jesus
Don't ask me where I found this tool but I was searching through my Diigo bookmarks the other day and stumbled upon TinyEye Labs They describe themselves as:
The TinEye labs is our technology playground for image search and recognition. Here you will be able to experiment and play with various implementations and features of our image search technologies.I don't know why but I was just inclined to click on the link in my bookmarks and have a play. I am glad that I did. It seems to be a very powerful tool. You simply select 'search' and it allows you to search Creative Commons images on Flickr via colour. You can search up to five colours and put percentage amounts on each colour.
I can some endless possibilities from this tool ranging from Visual Arts colour choices / proportions to even Mathematics when looking at percentages or concepts as such. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
I love TinEye - I show kids how to use it as a web rubbish detector where they can search to see if an image has been modified before spreading the word or believing what they see.